Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My to-do list can shove it

Yes, I said it.  I verbalized what several of you have been wanting to say to that daunting list with unchecked boxes for years.  I told it to take a hike.  We moved just a couple weeks ago and have way to much stuff for the downsized house that we moved into (about 400 sq. feet smaller than the one we were in before).  While I'm excited about the opportunity to simplify and frugalize, I'm not so excited about the boxes that multiplied like bunnies in the U-Haul or the clothes that are pushed under my bed because our closet is half as big as the one at our old place.  There are, literally, a million things that I need to do to get our home in some semblance of order.

All that said, last Sunday my babe and my baby (aka my awesome husband and sweet little girl) were napping and I had uninterrupted me time.  I'm all about wringing as much as I can out of my time, money, and resources in general to be a good steward, but the best thing I could do for me during that two hours (oh yeah, baby, two FULL hours) was spend time outside in my garden.  I know some of you are like, "my garden IS my to do last that's been staring me in the face," but for me gardening feeds my soul and I was a little hungry after a stressful couple weeks (I mentioned that we moved, right??).

So, I looked at the boxes, the clean dishes in the dishwasher and the dirty ones in the sink, thought about the laundry in the dryer, and decided to go outside instead.  I'm still riding on that gardening high, so I can easily say it was worth it.  All those other things eventually got done...well, the laundry may still be in the dryer, but I was able to get some seeds started, some weeds pulled, and some flowers watered.  I don't often have an opportunity to have that much dedicated me-time, and since I created my to-do list I realized that I have control over the stress it causes me.

Maybe I'll just tuck that list into a drawer and take it out when I'm ready for it instead of letting it hover within sight during my every waking minute.  Now to clean out that drawer...something else to add to the list.

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